Activist Raymond Herrera responds to OVSD bombshell about district’s legal action against him

FullSizeRender 3.jpgActivist/Vietnam vet Raymond Herrera has spoken out regarding the explosive announcement earlier today by OVSD Trustee Norm Westwell that evidently, the full board was not made aware or even consulted about the district wide press release issued last week regarding a restraining order they attempted to get against him. Mysteriously, any information regarding the fact the case had been summarily tossed out by a judge, was omitted from the release (which is attached below).

Herrera told me:  “I cannot believe that board members were not made aware of that slanderous press release that was sent to everybody in the district about me. It is outrageous to think that a school board president and superintendent are spending such time and money to silence the voice of a citizen who did nothing more than speak out at two meetings. I have done nothing to this school board to warrant the attacks being made upon my character. And now it appears they are not just trying to silence my first amendment rights as well as other citizens, but they are also attempting to limit the speech of the board itself. This is America. Our freedom of speech without fear of reprisal from a government body is at the core of our constitution. Trustee Pres. Gina Clinton Tarvin and Superintendent Carol Hansen, in my opinion, should step down at once in light of these new allegations by Trustee Westwell. But they do not scare me. They cannot decide what meetings I go to or if I’m allowed to speak. I fought for my country on the battlefield and I will continue fighting for my country wherever I can. I will not be intimidated by this corrupt school board, and I would like to thank Trustee Westwell for his candor and transparency in these matters.

The impact on Free Speech and the right to seek Political Redress of the Body Political across America will be transgressed this day should OVSD succeed in their vile quest to subvert my Frist Amendment Rights. To restate, this immoral act of tyranny is an attack on America, Democracy in America, The American Culture and ” We The People. ” …….These are blatant violations of The America of The American Creed ……1. Republican Principles of Self Government…2. Equality of Condition …3. The Rule of Law …This challenge shall be met and “We The People. ” America will prevail .”


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2 thoughts on “Activist Raymond Herrera responds to OVSD bombshell about district’s legal action against him

  1. Stephen Wayne Poe

    More Suppression attempts from Government Officials that are Pandering for Votes ! This action is against the law. some of these board members should be recalled !


  2. Bob Mosemak

    Way to go Ray, your the beacon of free speech against the wave of liberal anti rights morons


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